Few Rules
A few general rules that everyone must agree to before posting.
1. No abusive language. Personal attacks or flaming will not be tolerated.
2. No linking or discussing illegally obtained software (warez) or Pornography.
3. Do not post copyrighted material without permission.
4. No advertising. If you wish to advertise contact the administration.
5. CAT4MBA.com/mbaGROUP.org has the right to remove, edit, move or close any information posted.
6. CAT4MBA-Forum is not liable for any content posted by its members.
7. Signatures must be kept within reason and cannot contain images.
CAT4MBA/mbaGROUP-Forums collects a minimal amount of information on its users. This information is used for internal purposes only. Email addresses are only used for user authorization and password recovery. We respect your privacy and will not share the information you provide