Reading comprehension books

I am not that in RCs and my speed is also not that good Which books should I follow to improve my reading speed? Is there any practice books with lot of RCs

First a normal reading speed

First a normal reading speed is enough to crack CAT so don’t worry about Speed. Instead of worrying start reading a lot of quality stuffs reagulary on a daily basis. So there is no need to read any book to increase the speed. In fact there is no such technique to improve speed. it improves with time and the quilt of content you read. About practice book , I am not sure if there is any such books but all the coaching centers do provide a lot of RC material and you can pick any book for this purpose. I hope CAT4MBA will soon start publishing some good RCs on regular basis. One more OLD suggestion make reading news paper a daily habit


Though there is no such method to develop speed at an instant but u can increasee ur speed with regular reading and with different material.Also their various book available relating developing reading speed like tony buzans book