improving vocabs

I am not that good in vocabs and want to improve it. Please suggest me some books that will help special for CAT kinda vocabs. I tried barrons many times but never able to cross the chapter 3 :-)

My 10 paisa suggestion would

My 10 paisa suggestion would be to read news papers, magazines and journals rather than books or novels. Make it a habit and use (or waste what ever you think) at least 1 hour daily on it. If you love reading novels then be sure to pick the next one from a topic which you hate most else it s not going to make any difference to your vocab world. Any way go through the wod-of the day of this site, its very interesting and I am sure you will have a lot of fun while learning the new words

I believe building vocab

I believe building vocab should be a long term plan not should be associated with any exams. As long as CAT is concerned, I don’t think any one need to take any special preparation for it. The English knowledge one gathers up to graduation is just sufficient to clear the CAT in its latest version. For last few years there has been no vocab-based questions in CAT. For XAT/IIFT/MAT/IRMA etc good vocabulary knowledge can fetch you few marks easily but definitely not in CAT. Coming back to your question the simple answer as I had said many times before is to read, READ and ReaD as much as possible what ever and where ever. Of course excluding comics, bollywod and chapel/dravid/dada story. On serious note - Don't try to increas your vocab base as it is said. Rather try to improve your knowledge in English. Make it a long-term plan. Start reading quality stuffs on a regular basis. Listen to good hot topic discussion on TV. Go though few regular columns on websites.

I have heard and read most

I have heard and read most of the words on this site and its really amazing but alas there are ver few of them. Hoping more words will be updated soon.

Thanks you all for your

Thanks you all for your replies. Srikant, you are right , off late CAT has never came up with direct vocabulary questions like synonym/antonym/usage and even the IIMs have stopped asking the dictionary word meaning questions, which was a part of CAT for 3-4 years. But you got to admit, a good vocabulary helps in other part of the English section like Reading comprehension, Fill in the blanks and Jumble paragraph. Which are the core of CAT English section and no one expect them to change in near future. Well I think I should change my original question a bit- “ what you guys feel is the best books around to enhance my English knowledge” with special emphasize on vocab and reading speed.

cram up GRE book in 30 days,

cram up GRE book in 30 days, and then read Somerset Maughm : Moon and Sixpence and read it again till you dont have to go back to Barron's. Believe me it works. Read all tough books where your head will start spinning with words that you dont know. Salman Rushdie is fabulous.

reading daily newspaper & d

reading daily newspaper & d books wich u hate d most,jst go through dem & oneday u ll realy have some nice collection of words.....even m doin d same since last one year & d most important thing s dnt b reserve i mean try 2 be garrulous & pompous wherever required.....cramming s also i think u r gettin wat i all wanna say s english s nt a oneday game nt evn one year game inspite u'll ve to be permanent member of some boring thngs & u ll feel dat permanent ll gt cnvrt in temporary widin jst six mnths...


reading daily newspaper & d books wich u hate d most,jst go through dem & oneday u ll realy have some nice collection of words.....even m doin d same since last one year & d most important thing s dnt b reserve i mean try 2 be garrulous & pompous wherever required.....cramming s also i think u r gettin wat i all wanna say s english s nt a oneday game nt evn one year game inspite u'll ve to be permanent member of some boring thngs & u ll feel dat permanent ll gt cnvrt in temporary widin jst six mnths...