Prime factorsn Prime numbers

How many prime factors 15 has ? is it 1,3,5,15 or 1,3,5 or 3,5. Please explain the answer with reasoning. Note:1 is not a prime number nor a composite Thanks


1 is neither prime nor composite. 15 is not prime as it has 3 and 5 as factors. 15 = 3 * 5 Thus the prime factors of 15 are 3 and 5.

addition ! 15 = 3* 5 So,

addition ! 15 = 3* 5 So, the numbers less than and prime to 15 = 15 * 2/3 * 4*5 = 8 its not a sloution to your problem. just wanted to let you know

Rajorshi are you suggesting

Rajorshi are you suggesting that there are 8 co-prime numbers of 15 which are less than 15. I think you got the number 8 as 15 * (2/3) * (4/5) = 8 but sorry I could not follow it – Form where you got 2, 3, 4 and 5 What if the number has more than 2 prime factors, I mean say 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7

yep sorry for the typo. The

yep sorry for the typo. The one i was talking about is called the euler's function if i remeber it correctly. let me formally state the theorem. if p1,p2, be the different positive prime factors of m , and Phi(m) denote the number of imtegers < m , that are prime to m , then Phi(m) = m (1-1/p1)(1-1/p2).... (1-1/pr)

Thanks rajorshi

Thanks rajorshi euler's function is something new for me. After googling it I got few good articles and wrote down few points for my own purpose. Any one else interested can check it @